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Stripe Fees: How Much Do They Cost?
Stripe is a pay-as-you-go payment processing platform with flat-rate, transaction-based fees. Overall, you’ll pay 2.9% plus 30 cents per transaction…
Stripe payments and why we use it
What is Stripe? When customers pay your business for products or services using cash or a check, those payments can…
A breakdown of Etsy fees: how much of a cut does Etsy take?
On the surface Etsy looks very alluring to get your own web store off the ground cheaply. BUT be careful…
Google My Business – What is it and why we use it
Adding your business to Google My Business can seem redundant. After all, you already have a contact page, a listed…
Responding to reviews
Responding to your customers’ reviews matters- so let’s talk about how you can start leaving great responses today. Here’s what…
Using Facebook for Business
Every small business should be on Facebook. With more than 2.27 billion monthly users, small businesses can use Facebook in a…
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